
Powered by creativity. We honour bravery, commitment, truth and determination.

The work

Freedom to create and explore

We believe in the transformative power of innovative ideas and strive to push boundaries, bringing fresh and imaginative perspectives to every project. We believe in providing our team with the freedom to unleash their creativity and explore uncharted territories. We understand that the most groundbreaking ideas often emerge when individuals have the autonomy to experiment and innovate. This freedom is the catalyst for fostering a culture of continuous growth and discovery.

The people

Passionate to deliver quality results

Our team is not just a group of professionals; we are a community of individuals who are deeply passionate about delivering exceptional results. We approach each project with a commitment to excellence, ensuring that our work not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our clients. We thrive on the collective strength of our team, where every member is valued and their unique skills contribute to the synergy that defines us.


Current Openings

We are always on the lookout for new creative, passionate individuals to collaborate with. Whether you are a seasoned professional, or just graduated from film school, we offer exciting opportunities across various departments. We are proud to be an all inclusive equal opportunity employer. We support and celebrate uniqueness and diversity.

Senior Video Producer

Looking for a senior video producer to collaborate with, leading creative projects, managing productions, and bringing new innovative ideas from script to screen.

Narrative/Commercial Video Director

Seeking a visionary narrative/commercial video director to craft compelling stories, lead projects, inspire creativity, and bring brands to life.

Video Editor

Looking for an experienced video editor to craft compelling stories and collaborate with our team.

Video Colourist

Are you an expert at elevating visual narratives through precise colour grading? We would love to work with you!

VFX Artist

Seeking talented VFX Artists who bring visual magic to life, creating new scenery with compositing and motion graphics.

2D/3D Animator

Looking to collaborate with 2D/3D animators to transform crafted narratives into new mediums, crafting the unimaginable.

Graphic Designer

Turn ideas into captivating visuals, create brand identities, and collaborate on diverse projects.

Script Writer

Craft engaging narratives, develop characters, and bring untold stories to life on screen. Collaborate with us on your next project!